Hi There! My name is Lanie, The Vintage Cook. I treasure hunt to find the greatest, most delicious classic vintage recipes.
I started TheVintageCook.com in 2009 as a hobby.
I try to find the history of a recipe and update it with modern ingredients, appliances and techniques.
Cooking Contest Beginning
I am fortunate to have won several national cooking contests. This has allowed me to be the first to create interesting recipes like Blueberry-Almond Baklava with Orange Blossom Honey Syrup.
I enjoy the sunshine, open skies, and relaxed pace that is so common here, living in America's Heartland, Kansas. I spent portions of my life on the East Coast from South Carolina up to New Jersey. Those regions have influenced my tastes as well.
My cooking contest wins led me to some fantastic places around the country. I have made amazing friends and met a few Famous Chefs too!
Vintage Cookbook Library
I have been collecting cookbooks and recipes since I was 8 years old. The collection has grown to over 2,556 books, but who's counting? Every time I find an old cookbook that I haven't seen before, I get a little twinkle in my heart.
The Familiar, Made New.
I like to bring old recipes back to life with new ideas and updated ingredients. I'm often asked, "How old is a book for it to be considered Vintage?" The answer is 20 years. Any book published before the year 2005, is vintage! I like to focus on vintage from the 1950s to the 1990s.
The Recipes
All of the recipes on this blog are spins on classic recipes. All recipes have a history. Some are from recipe cards or clipped newspaper articles.
I will do my best to find the original source. As a business, I will usually only offer one recipe from any book, in the spirit of Fair Use for the purposes of teaching and commentary. I will always provide full attribution and any links if available.
B.A. Degree in Mass Media from Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas. 2010
Certificate in Fine Pastry from The French Pastry School, Chicago, Illinois. 2007
As an entrepreneur and creative home cook, I’m always interested in new opportunities and helping people feel joyful in the kitchen.
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